1. Surfing in Tamraght, Morocco, despite a strange surfboard.
  2. Sleeping before midnight on New Year’s Eve until morning.
  3. Hearing the call to prayer on New Year’s Day.
  4. Rebooting my meditation’s practice at 7000 meters altitude.
  5. The orange sunrise over Agadir on the way to the airport, the sand making it truly magical.
  6. Being welcomed by rain upon return and appreciating it.
  7. Eating the first pastry of the year, not finding the charm, being chosen as king by Louise.
  8. Sharing Tamraght’s ragu pasta with Louise, who devours them.
  9. Getting a “goofy” tattoo on the left foot, unable to go into the water for 3 weeks.
  10. Visiting Ben and Méli in the depths of Lot, exploring small villages perched on the hills.
  11. Testing Kodak Vision film, getting strange results.
  12. Being able to tie my hair in a man bun on my head :D
  13. Switching back to an iPod for listening to music.
  14. Rereading Barbarian Days and understanding technical terms much better.
  15. Thinking of making a cool video with my friend Greg. But still having no images at the end of the year.
  16. Printing two zines at the beginning of the year and enjoying sharing them.
  17. Receiving zines and exchanging them.
  18. Offering seasonal and French flowers to Cloé. I used to do it often in Belgium, and here it’s less simple.
  19. Finding a beautiful Summicron 50mm for the M6.
  20. Having to have my Leica serviced, replacing it with a Contax T3 in the meantime.
  21. Visiting San Francisco with family and marveling as if it were the first time.
  22. Counting the squirrels.
  23. That view of Highway One the first time.
  24. Visiting the emergency room in Ventura. Something to do once in a lifetime… maybe.
  25. The superbloom in the desert, those colors were just amazing.
  26. Being afraid of the automatic sprinkler noise that sounds like a snake or not at all.
  27. Shooting half frames with a plastic camera. Trying to create diptychs.
  28. Seeing a bear eating, at 30m, not turning back. Observing and really loving seeing it go back where we came from.
  29. Doing 60 squats again and suffering. Again and always.
  30. Spending the weekend at La Torche campsite, catching waves, going out with a big dent in my board.
  31. Receiving works by Mark Cunningham. Thanks Indoek, they are beautiful. We still need to showcase them properly.
  32. Getting out of the water, asking Cloé what she’s doing. In fact, she was calling for help, thinking I was in danger. It wasn’t me.
  33. Rediscovering the Leica, thanks Photo Suffren.
  34. Seeing the cabin used for the first times.
  35. Reading Right, down + circle, watching Pretending I’m a superman and playing way too much Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2.
  36. The welcome of people at the cabin, meeting, chatting, gossiping, and getting their feedback.
  37. Louise starting to ride her bike without any problems.
  38. Tom’s face in front of Vague d’or, his first board.
  39. Supporting the great podcast Looking Sideways.
  40. Having Lindsey at home for a few days.
  41. Seeing her try surfing and laugh.
  42. Finding the vinyl of Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot in a superb reissue.
  43. Successfully making pizzas and remaking them, the right dough changes everything. We didn’t complicate things.
  44. Watching a bunch of skate videos with Tom.
  45. Taking the cable car in Brest, watching the landscape pass underneath.
  46. Almost losing 10 rolls of film, but they’re fine in the end.
  47. Meeting Jorge Hunt and surfing with him. Also meeting his little family and visiting Carnac.
  48. Discovering the projects of Good Enough and reappreciating the taste of simple solutions on the web. I love their approach, minimalist designs, and the lack of seriousness, but still serious.
  49. Having a board with my name on it. Magical colors, the square tail suits me much better, and progressing.
  50. Seeing Cloé stand up on a board and go into the water. Without a wetsuit, it was unthinkable.
  51. Making some furniture for my office. Taking the first piece I had made, cutting it again, and adjusting.
  52. Putting shelves in my office along the entire length to store… photo books.
  53. Surfing in Guidel and chatting with friends. The south is not bad for surfing either.
  54. Discovering Simple Magic and reading too much about skateboarding.
  55. Walking in the morning at Louise’s pace and noticing things we ignore at a normal pace.
  56. Receiving photos of oneself in the water. Not on the waves this time. Just waiting, contemplating.
  57. Hosting many people at the cabin over summer. Improving small things. Having been pretty accurate about the first season and feeling relieved.
  58. The photo shoot with Justine, Mégane, and Gabrielle.
  59. Getting kisses on the nose from Louise.
  60. Discovering the newsletter Naive Weekly on various internet topics.
  61. Finding tie-dye socks and loving them.
  62. Receiving inquiries about where to find our rug. A unique piece brought back from Morocco, thanks Lisa.
  63. Seeing Tom’s drawings improve. Seeing him persevere!
  64. Going back to Belgium and seeing the family. Avoiding the storm with a currywurst.
  65. Having to play survivalists and living a week without electricity because of the storm. Sleeping by the fire all together.
  66. Launching Bonjour, the micro-entrepreneur. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
  67. Being published on le fooding for Douarenn. Nice little publications coming in.
  68. The new album from Blink 182 is quite nice.
  69. Planning a road trip in California for 2024. We didn’t have the courage to wait.
  70. Listening to this crazy podcast about Miki Dora and the dark side of Malibu.
  71. Finding a beautiful font inspired by Wilco.
  72. Talking about writing with a colleague and friend, picking up some books on writing.
  73. Having photos printed by my friend Fran6 and also receiving his beautiful prints.
  74. Receiving beautiful scans from Mori. Their edge option is really great.
  75. Planning a renovation of the hallway in the house.
  76. Getting a Joe Strummer vinyl and enjoying it thoroughly.
  77. Having a nice smile after a beautiful operation.
  78. Reading Beside magazine before going to sleep and dreaming of publishing some photos there.
  79. Receiving a calendar and prints from Jorge.
  80. The smell of an almost new car.
  81. Going to the beach facing the Atlantic when it’s rough.
  82. Resuming intermittent fasting a bit.
  83. When Terres de café sends you a one-kilo package instead of 250g.
  84. Being in Madame Figaro, Regain magazine, and knowing it’s not over.
  85. Watching Ye Olde Destruction by Thomas Campbell. Loving the alternative vibe he manages to give to skate videos.
  86. Seeing Cloé learn to make crepes on a traditional crepe maker and then go everywhere with it and always have good crepes.
  87. Having to empty the kegs at the school’s Christmas market and discovering that for some, I am a mix of Mac Lesggy and Kurt Cobain. Laughing and having drinks.
  88. Being able to have a quick session between winter colds and the rest due to the operation. Getting a perfect day, even if only for an hour, and catching some beautiful little waves.
  89. Going up the coast, chatting, and coming back. Meeting friends that we don’t always have time to see.
  90. Taking the road after school, stopping on the way, and sleeping at the hotel as a family.
  91. Celebrating Christmas at Cloé’s brother’s in Lot. Seeing their new house.
  92. The brother-in-law’s ti punch, perfect for the holidays.
  93. Getting a first order for professional photos. Without outreach, it confirms my choices.
  94. Rereading all the Dragon Ball, realizing that maybe Tom was borderline for some passages, laughing a lot, and wanting to do a Kamehameha again.
  95. Playing Sea of Stars. Beautiful 2D design, the beauty of pixels.
  96. Shooting even more film than last year. Even though there is a focus on the California road trip.
  97. Discovering the works of Matthew Allen and his beautiful books with Mop. Yee Haw Cowabunga Holy Shit.
  98. Going back through my links on Are.na.
  99. Going back through my favorite photos of the year and all the unpublished ones.
  100. Already thinking about all the beautiful moments that will make up the coming year.